In recent days we have under gone many undesired natural and man-made holocausts, (I prefer Holocaust to be more suitable word rather than  Disaster as they have taken out many lives, loss of civil properties and leading to many bane) like Australian bushfire, Brazilian floods and mudslides, Jakarta floods, corona pandemic etc., . Due to my habitual curiosity, I have gone through the reasons behind these holocausts, where shockingly I found that many disasters were somehow due to the interference of mankind’s egocentric misdeeds. And I think that what we are suffering now is only due to our karmas and doing many troublesome activities to environment especially to wild life.

We the so called most educated human beings of 21st century were exploiting the each and every rule of nature. We have destroyed the environmental harmony by own self-centred desires; we have destroyed the peace of animals by destructing their place of shelter; we even captured and abused them for our greed. For every fierce farce of tragic nature our misdeeds have been the main formal! Right now animals must have asked us in their conscience that, Have your mankind forgot that we are also the part of this World, have you forgot that the World is equally belong to us. Even though man gained lot of upholds and success in science and technology, he failed to gain over kindness, sympathy, and even his own humanity. He lost his humanity somewhere on his own path of life, but he failed to find it back. Even though he didn’t regret to lose, so he’s suffering now with these sequential holocausts!!

Analysing on this issue, a quite interesting thought came to my mind. Guess what??? Yeah! As my title says everything, WHAT IF OTHER ANIMALS GOT EVOLVED LIKE MAN????? I think they would have taken revenge from us! Obviously if I would have been in that scenario, I was also going to do the same thing with extra harsh than them!! But one more thing that came to my mind is, do they all also going to build house like us? Then what about place for all the living organism, if each and every animal evolved starts to build a huge residence for themselves???  Where is that much of place, which could provide a home for every single animal together with their family?? You know how hard it is going to be for us? We have to share each and everything with them like area, food business harmony and all? And obviously they would also come under the same law and all. If we misbehave with them, then we will be punished under law without any fate!!!!

Hey then, what about KFC’s and McD’s?? Are they going to shut down permanently?? As there will be Universal Animal Rights Federation just as Universal Human Rights, which will definitely oppose them. Yeah!! It’s become animal trafficking!! Hey wait a minute….then Eating a piece of chicken would also considered as a MURDER!!! Yeah…you can’t legally eat your favorite chicken too. (LOL).There will be International Court Of justice for all the animals who would file a case against you people. I wonder what kind of harsh vengeance we would have received for all those sins we’ve committed. We may be poured into the KUMBHIPAKAM- Hot Oil Utensil for killing animals for fun and torturing them for joy. You mean it’s for eating a single piece of chicken, which I didn’t even kill!!! Yeah!! But we did unjust to the Chicken right?!?(Don’t worry!! It’s just an imagination…But the thing is obvious that this issue would have been discussed in CRPF- Chicken Rights Protection Federation for sure If they have under gone evolution) ……To my surprise, this punishment actually mentioned in one of ancient Scripts named GARUDA PURANA. 

On hearing this single punishment given by court of hell for very tiny issue, Did you noticed one thing, this vengeance is only for killing the animals, What about other deeds???For cutting trees??  For polluting environment?? For cheating??? For behaving like beasts??? Even the Ministry of hell gets confused!!!

You might be thinking of ecological balance and food chain maintenance!! Aren't we maintaining ecological balance by consuming non veggies?? Answer is No... We're overexploiting it!!

And let me clear you one thing that I’m neither a vegetarian nor a member of PETA( People for ethical Treatment of Animals ). But why I’m Supposed to talk about a silly chicken murder dispute so seriously??? Don’t get me wrong. Even I’m also an omnivore, I also supposed to eat chicken and non veggies… but that’s not the fact I’m trying to explain over here. I was just envisaging the fact of evolution!! What if they have the similar intelligence and smartness as us to ask for their Basic surviving rights, in other words Animal Rights!! We have our own formulated laws and orders, But what if they too demand for the same revised law and order for themselves. It’s just a trailer what I saw in one of my dreams??? I guess it’s the impact of watching  Doraemon; Nobita and the green giant legend  where a Brown Body called Shirah (It’s a anthropomorphic tree) which was supposed to destroy the whole mankind for its deeds and somehow Doraemon and Nobita managed to stop the trauma there. But my asinine mind thought this issue till mid night…I wonder how much I avidly on to the show that even the same bizarre thing happened in my dream…I hardly remember where exactly my dream began..… I was just able recall the part of my dream…..Even though I went to deep sleep…..as deep as Mariana Trench……due to my very poor memory I recalled nothing! I apologise for it!

But here I would like to conclude a fact of EQUITY that god has followed while creating the universe, I wonder what made him to think that by making human more intelligent and giving him a precocious evolution, can build a better world which enables every single organism to live its freedom!!

May be he thought of the Theory Of Equity over Equality. Sometimes Equity should be taken in matter over Equality, and god did the same. Imagine if all the other animals have gone through the same phase of evolution then Man would definitely suffered a lot. If that happened man has to live under many constraints issued by the 'Animal Kingdom' like not to kill any organisms ,not to perform any biological experiments without the legal permissions, and even there would also a restriction on the GMO(genetically modified organisms).

 I know that I'm talking against Traditional modern biotechnological innovations whose ultimate aim is to discover as many benefits as that can be taken out from the living entities or organisms. I do agree the fact that we've discovered many useful medications, antibiotics and all. But speaking from the Animal perspective view they do also have lives and inherit rights to live!!This may sound weird or even odd, Being a omnivore myself talking about such issue makes no sense but it always hitches when we contemplate ourselves in the same fate that animals are not supposed to be in.

                                                                  - Dishaa Karigar


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